I'm back ...
OK, so I needed a 6 month hiatus to get my schedule worked out so I can start blogging again. Man, it is tough to find the time. I think the problem is with the size of my posts. They can sometimes take 2-3 hours to draft, edit, modify, re-edit, post, ... (you get the idea).
And although I still think the long articles are very valuable I don't have time to get a couple out per week.
So what I thought I'd do instead is post short blogs about what I read a couple of times a week (more traditional blog format) and try to get a long post up once or twice a month.
And since I spend a large amount of my time learning, implementing and thinking through strategy and innovation I setup another blog called Smart Innovation (yes, I guess I just don't have enough on my plate). The conversations are already up on Smart Innovation so please join in.
See you on the wire.
Steven Cardinale
Isn't this Yaro Starak's site?
I was visiting James Brausch's site at http://www.JamesBrausch.com and he had a list of the best business blogs and this was one of them, but I don't see any activity...
...am I wrong?
Posted by: Thomas | January 17, 2008 at 10:12 PM